Cooking with Heart not Recipes


Cooking is an Art which nourishes mind , body and soul. It changes with region, country, culture, spices and ingredients, serving styles, however one thing is important : the love, food is cooked with, presentation and service, which makes all the difference, in each dish.

With your love for food, remembrance of its taste, knowledge of ingredients and spices, you can always recreate the magic in taste and appearance of cuisine, once tasted. Even cook it better with practice and improvising. Food cooked with all heart, efforts and love would definitely be delicious–with heavenly taste.

I am a bigtime foodie, who can bet, on taste of food, from aroma itself, also can evaluate it from the point of missing spices or amount of the same. My background in Chemistry comes very handy at such occasions 🙂 Irony was, I was not good at cooking in my college years and used to find excuses to escape, so that I can devote my time in reading.

My mom was understanding and kind and she never forced me into cooking, which was so called, essential part of “Girls upbringing” in India. However she made sure that I am helping her around, so that, she could convey some tips of cooking. According to her, cooking would have helped me, in longer run 🙂 Reason– “Tasty food makes its way, to the heart of the person” an old Indian proverb, passed on to each daughter from her mother, in traditional Indian homes.

So here I am, self proclaimed “Awesome cook” of Northern India, especially Awadhi region with Vegetarian North Indian delicacies, Mughlai dishes and Morning Nashta.

Recipes I will share are improvised versions with local, regional tastes of home cooked cuisines, appreciated by family and friends, if cooked with all your Heart and served in Style!