Ancient Indian Medicine

Shikha SaxenaJan 18 · 3 min read

Ayurveda is the ancient holistic (treatment of whole person) medicine system of India, that dates back to three thousand years ago.

Photo by Katherine Hanlon on Unsplash

Ayurveda is the ancient holistic (treatment of whole person) medicine system, of ancient Indian medicine in India, that dates back to three thousand years ago. Holistic medical treatment takes into account, mental and social factors, that effect the person and not just the symptoms of the disease.

Ayurveda is Sanskrit word made from two words “Ayur” meaning “Life” and “Veda” are “Ancient Sacred Scriptures” here, the health/medical scripture.

Traditional Indian literature designates four Upavedas (subvedas; applied knowledge), to connect to four subjects of technical work.

These are four following Upavedas with different subjects which are associated to four main Vedas:

  • Dhanurveda (Archery), associated with the Yajurveda
  • Sthapatyaveda (Architecture), associated with the Rig Veda
  • Gandharvaveda (Music and sacred dance), associated with the Samaveda
  • Ayurveda (Medicine), associated with the Atharvaveda.

“Fifth Vedas” refer to post-vedic texts that include, Epic Mahabharata, Natyasastra and certain Puranas.

Ayurveda is natural medical science which depend on herbal medicines for healing and maintaining good health and mental and physical balance of body.

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

It is the science of Mind, Body and Spirit which is supposed to be gifted by God to Sages to their disciples and to medical students, till now through spiritual enlightenment, oral recitations and finally through scriptures and books respectively.

Herbs, Flower, Stem, Roots of plants are all processed and mixed in particular combinations to create Ayurvedic Medicines.

Neem, Ginger, Garlic, Turmeric, Amla, Ashwagandha, Tulsi are few among the list of more than 15000 herbs used for Ayurvedic Medicines.

Photo by Timothy Newman on Unsplash

Interestingly some Spices used in Indian curries are advantageous and helping body cells in some or other way to suppress carcinogens and eventually killing cancer cells, regulating heart rate and keep common cold and cough at bay, to mention a few!!

Spices consumed in right proportion provide immunity against common cold , flu to infectious diseases!

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Home made Kadha can be prepared by readily available household spices as Basil (Tulsi) leaves, Mint leaves, Green and Black Cardamom, Cloves, Black pepper, Ginger and Cinnamon.

Believe it or not — Spicy Kadha (spicy herbal drink) made and served during pandemic in Indian households, which was part of daily routine of all family members, saved and protected most of them from the deadly disease!!Image Journal

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Shikha Saxena

A Technical Writer, an artist and blogger by choice. Passionate about reading , writing and editing. and

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