Changing Paradigms of Workforce of Future

Shikha SaxenaNov 29·3 min read

Corporate leaders need to reimagine working scenarios

Photo by Benjamin Child on Unsplash

The post pandemic working conditions have changed and resources are focusing again on rebuilding their skill sets to accommodate changing working scenarios. Workforce is under reform. Changing paradigms of workforce of future [Post-Pandemic] also sets the need for corporate leaders, to reimagine working scenarios, to brace for such future unprecedented changes.

COVID -19 brought with it new strategies and concepts to maintain business continuity. Remote working , virtual meetings, telemedicine, telecommute and so on. At the same time leisure travel and tourism, medical tourism were knocked off in a big way.

Changing Paradigms of Future Workforce

New concepts and patterns of working, being a remote worker, manager, team member , operations manager and still maintaining seamless business continuity, is the new norm.

Unprecedented conditions that plagued the globe severely, prepared a whole new set of “future workforce” who are adaptable, think out of box and may work in any scenarios from anywhere in the world, leave aside fighting with the unseen.

Future workforce will not give up easily. They will think and find new ways to work, meet up and help maintain business continuity, which is not only their bread earner but passion! Future Workforce are ready to work in any given conditions, work from home, remote, in-person, hybrid, odd and even hours and all new models.

They also suggest even more new ideas and apps to keep working, meeting and fun activities to keep up with virtual teams and moral boosting. They try to work in such manner as to convey how they all are in this together.

Surging cases of the pandemic, with new variants now and then, and looking at such conditions arising in future, it is more important to accept the new normal and work around something for new environment and working conditions.

Some of the new trends followed by future workforce are as follows:

  • Digital transactions through online shopping
  • e-commerce is skyrocketing
  • Home delivery from online restaurants
  • Telemedicine industry booming through online pharmacies
  • Online electronic transactions for daily needs as groceries, florists, clothing, teaching, trainings and so on
  • Telecommuting to offices are being accepted and practiced more post pandemic
  • Tele meetings through Zoom, Skype , Google hangouts, Slack videocalls, facetime via phone and video network
  • Teleconferencing through business television, audio graphics, computer video, distance education and so on.

New users are finding it convenient and appreciating the change. New users and “future workforce” are planning to continue in the new found ease of maintaining work-life balance. They are somehow reluctant to go back to the “old- fashioned”, time bound “9–5” way.

Photo by Tobias Tullius on Unsplash

Reimagining working scenarios to cope with changing paradigms of workforce of future

Organizations with good digital transformation strategies in hand and those who were working and planning in direction of automation and AI are changing their working trends, to retain workforce and keep moving.

  • Retrain existing workforce
  • Increasing Training and skill set enhancing in- house online courses
  • Introducing Hybrid Remote work
  • Agile concept of Talent reallocation
  • Virtual assistance
  • Remote operations management
  • Re-Assessment of employee workforce to evaluate their working capacity, talent and skill set
  • Classify and maintain database of workforce according to skills:
  1. Creativity
  2. Critical thinking
  3. Out of box thinking
  4. Social intelligence
  5. Business intelligence
  6. Software skills
  7. Technical skills
  8. Data analytics
  9. Research capacity
  10. Power to adapt under pressure and changing conditions
  • Collaborating with similar businesses to share ideas
  • Brainstorming with stakeholders and workforce members and agile teams on how to best leverage technology and existing resources.
  • Sharing experiences of workforce and document it for future use as how they coped with changed scenarios and how useful it was in business continuity.

Corporate leaders, innovators and thought leaders need to reimagine company strategies, leverage technology and adapt to the changing paradigms of workforce of future to face realities of changing work conditions.

Photo by Chen on Unsplash

Shikha Saxena

A Technical Writer, an artist and blogger by choice. Passionate about reading , writing and editing. and

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