Science Technology Engineering Math (STEM) are inherent part of our being. We can not imagine our life, without these four subject lines. They are at the forefront of our education system, always inspiring and leading us to innovate!

I may be growing old with time, though my love for STEM, always stay young and grow with passing time. Passion, for STEM since childhood, propelled me to reach far in life, where I am still trying to learn new technologies and imbibing more in different areas of Biological Sciences and Technology.

The environment at home was always enriching, which compelled me to observe surroundings and learn. Books on varied topics and subjects, listening to discussions and experiences of elders created an ambience, apt for learning and developing inquisitive and intuitive mind. I was born and brought up in Banaras Hindu University (BHU) campus in family of Scientist Dr. V.K.Verma, my father, Professor in Organic Chemistry and Sociologist Mrs. Sudha Verma, my mother…my wonderful parents! I owe my life to them.

In childhood years I read biographies of spiritual, national leaders and scientists. Madam Curie always inspired me and she was my role model in those growing-up years.

As a young STEM enthusiast, I created a small lab in courtyard to experiment with household chemicals –mom’s Talcum powder, papa’s hair oil, shoe-polish, after-shave, Phenyl, soaps, shampoo, dishwashing liquids–nail paints and Acetone. Thinning dried-up nail paints and mixing them to change colors were favourite part 🙂 I remember using magnet to check, the amount of Iron, in Stainless steel utensils during Deepawali festival and proving classmates that boiling, pencil shavings with milk do not produce Rubber 🙂 A punishment, after burning silk and nylon scarves with match-box, to see the change after combustion, between the two different yarns, is also an unforgettable moment 🙁

I graduated with Chemistry Honours, with a distinction in Organic Chemistry. Earned Masters in Biochemistry and another Masters degree in Biochemical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), BHU, Varanasi. The BHU Gold Medal and Jawaharlal Nehru National Award were my achievements for persistence and hard work. My life treasures and my ultimate earning. Enrolled to earn Doctors of Philosophy in Biochemical Engineering in IIT , BHU. This dream was not fulfilled, in wake of shouldering other responsibilities of Life!

I entered into matrimony with Computer Scientist. Was given opportunity to explore other side of Globe, when I travelled and resided in western part of world. I interacted with new technology and learned programming in COBOL. It was wonderful and amazing experience! I was thrilled and loved the concept of Internet and email. As if I was given a kind of treasure, to explore knowledge in any domain I wished. World’s knowledge was at my fingertips. I never wanted anything else in life, admired it from core of my Heart and wished and thanked innovators for this great Gift of Technology! My cute little daughter who learned her first syllables and poems through Net and who used to inform me, about email in my inbox excitedly, is now a brilliant Software Engineer with Cloud Architecture knowledge at her finger tips!

Environment, education, knowledge, guidance and inspiration are all, a growing child needs to excel in any field, be it Literature, Humanities, Arts or STEM. Knowledge can be picked at any level of age or learning. Imbibe, Inspire and share more. Educate and promote STEM leading to awareness and innovations!