Active Minds Lead to Good Brain Health and Longevity

Shikha SaxenaFeb 4 · 2 min read

Keep yourself active, read, interact, communicate to nourish and fuel your mind. Have proper nutritious food, walk exercise and sleep, to provide rest to your body and inquisitive and absorbing mind to keep away fatigue and maintain Brain Health. Active mind leads to good brain health and longevity.

The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.”

Spending time in social interactions have positive effects on brain health. Engage in conversations with family and friends spend time with younger generation in family teaching them and learning from them in return. Studies have shown this kind of interactive exchanges slower the rate of Dementia and memory decline.

Sleeping helps in calming mind and relaxation and prevents Alzheimer’s in the long run. It helps to sooth your vibes and improves immunity beneath. Prevents formation of abnormal protein buildup that is the main cause of senile brain.

Senile brain is a condition where dementia or memory loss signs are present due to aging.

Severe memory loss , confusion and loss of physical and mental abilities leads to dementia.

This condition which is inevitable due to aging might be postponed few years by mentally remaining involved in different stress relieving activity.

Following steps may help :

  • Eating healthy.
  • Exercising regularly.
  • Staying physically active.
  • Avoiding excessive smoking and Alcohol consumption.
  • De-Stressing by yoga and meditation.
  • Associating with community.
  • Sharing built up knowledge.
  • Maintaining health of mind, body and soul!

Share your stories, knowledge and talent before it fades away. Help proactively. Make best use of it before it is lost forever! Stay happy and lead Positive life!!

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Brain Health

Mental Health


Dementia Care

Memory Management


Shikha Saxena

A Technical Writer, an artist and blogger by choice. Passionate about reading , writing and editing. and

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Image Journal

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